On behalf of the Parish Council of Ss. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church, I want to welcome you to our beautiful Annapolis community. We invite you to worship with us for your spiritual edification.

Our Sunday Services are as follows: 9 am MATINS (ORTHROS) and 10 am DIVINE LITURGY, with a social hour to follow. Please feel free to join and become active in the following community programs:


  • Ladies Philoptochos (Agia Anna) Jr. Choir

  • Jr. GOYA (Greek Orthodox Youth of America) Catechism Church School

  • JOY (Junior Orthodox Youth) Adult Choir

  • Greek School (Greek language classes) Order of AHEPA

  • Greek Folk Dance Festival Pre-School

  • “Kali Parea” 55+ Adults Family Play Group

  • Adult Bible Study


With spiritual joy, we take this opportunity to welcome you to our community and pray that God will give you abundant health and happiness. I remain,

In Christ,
Rev. Protopresbyter Kosmas Karavellas